Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Chris - Van Gogh Write Up

1. The piece I appreciated most was probably Undergrowth with Two Figures. I felt like I was standing in the woods looking at these two people and I really love the style of this. I feel that it still looks like a van Gogh but isn't the same, stereotypical work he is known by.

2. I think he used lines very effectively, especially when it comes to his nature pieces. Even though he doesn't, it feels like every single blade of grass or bark on tree is there. Also, in Starry Night for example, his lines create drama and movement, which is so captivating. 

3. I do feel that van Gogh had a concentration. I felt that his concentration was nature and/or landscapes.

4. When I first saw his work (Starry Night, in particularly) at MoMA back in March, I was blown away and it was so surreal seeing such a famous painting in person. Seeing every ridge and bump and stroke of his brush definitely helped me appreciate him and his work. The same goes for this trip, especially with SO many of his pieces. Some felt a little repetitive or monotonous, but as a whole I definitely appreciate him in a whole new way. I didn't even know he painted that many pieces!

5. Not really, I mean, just looking at his pieces in the exhibit made me completely forget about his psychological issues because his pieces were so peaceful and beautiful. That is what I find so genius about van Gogh...he was crazy, but that didn't come across in his work, for one would think he is quite the opposite.

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