Monday, December 12, 2011

5 Artists

Paul Cézanne: He lived from 1839-1906. He was a post- impressionist artist who decided to create more modern art, transitioning from the styles of the 19th century to the 20th century. His main movements have been known to be impressionism and cubism. He is very important today because he has influenced artists such as Matisse and Picasso.

Marc Chagall: He was born in 1887 and died 1985. He was an early modernist. He has been known to have variety in his work and has created art in every artistic medium.

Salvador Dali: He was alive from 1904 to 1989. He was a Spanish surrealist painter. He is remembered for the bizarre and striking images in his artwork.

Edgar Degas: He was around from 1834 to 1917. He has been remembered for painting, print-making, creating sculptures, and drawing. His work was considered impressionism but he preferred the term realism. He is remembered in history of art for his psychological complexity.

André Derain- He was alive from 1880- 1954. His work falls under the movement known as fauvism. He is remembered for being the co-founder of the movement fauvism and has shown the tremendous skill throughout his years.

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