Monday, November 21, 2011

Self Evaluation/Reflection due 11/28 8pm 30 points

Complete all 3 parts listed below. Response due Monday 11/28 by 8pm. 30 homework points.

PART 1: For your last assignment, you were required to research a mentor artist and incorporate their stylistic tendencies into an original work of art.
1. Do you feel that you were successful in incorporating their style/technique? Explain, using specific concrete examples form your piece.
2. What is the difference between "inspiration" and "imitation" when it comes to making art?

PART 2: Are all aspects equally important? Can a piece be considered a work of art if it took 5 minutes to make? What if the artist does not actually make anything?

Construct your own personal criteria for evaluation in one sentence by addressing the following:
-the time spent creating the piece
-the skill/technique/craft evident in the work
-the concept (or main idea) of the work

Research the following and evaluate whether or not the piece is considered "art" based on your criteria:

1. "1000 hours of staring by Tom Friedman
2. Sistine Chapel ceiling by Michelangelo
3. The Bowery in Two Inadequate Descriptive Systems by Martha Rosler
4. Jackson Pollock #8
5. Sol le Witt's wall drawings

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