Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Katie Schneider Van Gogh

One of my favorite peices by Van Gogh that I appreciated in the show was this painting, called "Wheat Field." It was interesting to see the different variations of wheat in his paintings, and how he began to improve on the stylization of the wheat fields. Van Gogh has his own style that makes him a revolutionary in the way he handles the principles of art. His unique style of texture and color makes the piece realistic, and seem 3-D. All of his artwork draws the viewer's attention, and makes you stop and watch the scene come to life. I think that Van Gogh's concentration would be nature, he was constantly choosing subjects that would appear in the nature, such as trees, flowers, wheat, insects. I definately think that seeing his work first hand enhanced my appreciation of Van Gogh as an artist. It was inspiring to see so many paintings that I've never seen before and how they relate to one another. The variety of paintings he had in this show were phenomenal and I'm so happy I was able to see them up-close and in person. The headphone tour taught me a lot about his psychological struggles that he endured and it added to the emotion of each peice. I think that knowing the struggles and how he dealt with them through art helped me see how artists truly paint their emotions to help express themselves. 

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