Sunday, February 26, 2012

1. Overall, do you feel that you have successfully balanced the technical (skill-based) and conceptual (idea-based) aspects of your work?
I think have been able to balance both technical and conceptual aspects of my work. Creating a concentration definitely helped me to come up with ideas for my work. It gave me a framework yet there was a lot of freedom within my topic of Focus.

2. Of the four pieces you created this term, which one do you feel was most successful and why? Which piece did you enjoy making the most, and why?
I think that each of my pieces were successful for different reasons. My Mixed Media piece of Enrique Iglesias was effective because I believe it is the most obvious example of Focus. I think technically my NYC charcoal piece was the most successful.

3. What have you learned about your own working methods since we began in September? Specifically, address your time management, creative process, and material preferences.
I have learned that I should come into class with an idea for my next piece so that I do not waste class time. I have tried out many materials this year and I have realized that I like acrylic, pastel, and charcoal the best.

4. What direction do you see yourself taking in term 3?
After trying many new materials and styles in the first two terms, I would love to use more pastel, charcoal and paint. I also enjoyed creating my Mixed Media piece so I will try to do another in Term 3.

5. What is one goal you hope to accomplish as an artist before the end of the year? This could be a technique to try, to master, or an ambitious piece you have been wanting to do but have had reservations about, etc.
I really want to try to do a big piece! It would be challenging and time consuming, but it would be worth it in the end. If this isn't possible I would like to do a drawing of me and my three brothers.

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