Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Self Reflection

1. Overall, do you feel that you have successfully balanced the technical (skill-based) and conceptual (idea-based) aspects of your work?
I think my work has been technically strong, but the concepts are not very strong. I would like to create more original, innovative, and unique pieces in term 3.

2. Of the four pieces you created this term, which one do you feel was most successful and why? Which piece did you enjoy making the most, and why?
I think the picture of the shells was the most successful because it was painted with great attention to detail and there are many textures and colors to catch the viewers' eyes. I enjoyed painting the jellyfish the most because I got to try painting on canvas for the first time. Also, I worked with a color palette that was unusual for me.

3. What have you learned about your own working methods since we began in September? Specifically, address your time management, creative process, and material preferences.
I have learned to use acrylic this year, and it has turned out to be one of my favorite mediums. I have gotten better with managing my time and remaining focused in class.

4. What direction do you see yourself taking in term 3?
I would like to try things I have never done, whether it is trying a new medium or taking my art in a new direction and trying new styles.

5. What is one goal you hope to accomplish as an artist before the end of the year? This could be a technique to try, to master, or an ambitious piece you have been wanting to do but have had reservations about, etc.
I would like to do a large-scale painting. Whenever I am in a gallery, the large canvases always grab my eye due to their enormous size. I also want to try something a little looser and more expressive, which is opposite of my style.

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