Wednesday, February 29, 2012


1. I think that for the most part, I have balanced the technical and conceptual aspects of my work well. I like that each piece has a more complex meaning than what the viewer may interpret which plays into my concentration. However, I believe that I could of challenged myself, technically, more. It always felt a rush for time so I was reluctant to choose ambitious pieces. In the next term, I am hoping I can balance my time better so I can spend time creating more complex pieces.

I think that my two fruit pieces were most successful this term. I like the end result of them and I think they look good side by side. It was fun using all those colors to create "fruit" yet making it very abstract and open for interpretation. Although I think these pieces were most successful, I think if I had more time, I would prefer my charcoal drawing. The subject was more personal so therefore I felt more connected to it. I am hoping to do another charcoal drawing next term.

3. I realized that I have trouble with time management and sometimes are not able to create a more ambitious piece due to time constraints. It usually takes me awhile to come up with an idea, so by the time I choose a subject, I have very limited time to make the piece. I also have realized what style of art I prefer because I seem to gravitate towards similar ideas and pieces each time. I've noticed that I usually use acrylic paint as my materials in my pieces. I am hoping to maybe go out of my comfort zone during term three and expand my ideas and use different materials.

For term 3, I want to do one more drawing and then a larger scale painting involving my mom. I'm not sure exactly the specifics but I have come up with a few ideas hopefully to help me with the "idea process" so I have more time to create the pieces.

5. I would really like my final piece to be something I am really proud of. I feel like I haven't really been able to show what I am capable of yet this year and I ways to challenge myself with this larger scale piece. I know that I want the piece to have something to do with my mom because we are very close. I have a specific idea in mind but I want to explore other areas to make sure this is what I want to do.

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