Sunday, February 26, 2012

Katie Schneider 4th Concentration piece

After completing your fourth piece of term 2, answer the following. (25 points)

1. Overall, do you feel that you have successfully balanced the technical (skill-based) and conceptual (idea-based) aspects of your work?

I think that I have successfully balanced the technical and conceptual aspects of my work. I have learned that portraits are what make me enjoy creating art and delivering it through my own eyes.

2. Of the four pieces you created this term, which one do you feel was most successful and why? Which piece did you enjoy making the most, and why?

I think my most successful piece was the painting of my cousin’s daughter. This helped me to realize that I am best at people and that it is what I enjoy doing most. It helped me to know that I should focus on people and improving my skill on a higher level.

3. What have you learned about your own working methods since we began in September? Specifically, address your time management, creative process, and material preferences.

I have worked with paint this whole year and have definitely been improving my skills with acrylics. I think that when you work on something you enjoy it is much more easier to express it and you will become excited about working on your projects. That is what art is all about, creating beautiful and inspired work.

4. What direction do you see yourself taking in term 3?

In term 3 I think I will continue to improve my skills on creating people. I have only worked with paint this year, but I would love to use pastels and charcoals in term 3 to continue my concentration with portraits.

5. What is one goal you hope to accomplish as an artist before the end of the year? This could be a technique to try, to master, or an ambitious piece you have been wanting to do but have had reservations about, etc.

By the end of the year I would like to accomplish a piece that looks very realistic and like the subject. This means that I have improved and learned how to successfully create realistic portraits, my style.

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