Sunday, February 26, 2012

Maggie Nemecz

After completing your fourth piece of term 2, answer the following. (25 points)

1. 1. Overall, do you feel that you have successfully balanced the technical (skill-based) and conceptual (idea-based) aspects of your work?

I think that my pieces during term 2 based on technical and conceptual aspects of the piece differed from work to work. I think that some of my pieces were very strong idea-based and less in technical while some were the opposite. I would like to have more of a consistency of strong in both aspects in term 3.

2. 2. Of the four pieces you created this term, which one do you feel was most successful and why? Which piece did you enjoy making the most, and why?

I think that my piece of the clock and the cycle of life was my most successful in portraying my concentration. It had the deepest meaning behind pattern of life and the most connection of all my pieces. The piece I enjoyed making the most was the printmaking road in Ireland. I enjoyed this one the most because of the technique of printmaking.

3. 3. What have you learned about your own working methods since we began in September? Specifically, address your time management, creative process, and material preferences.

Since September, I have learned that I need to be more prepared and have many ideas for my next piece ready at all times. I have noticed that my creative process changes while working on my piece. I may begin with one idea but then end up with a totally different one by the end of the piece. I have worked with many materials and found that I work best with charcoal, but I enjoy acrylic a lot but I need more practice.

4. 4. What direction do you see yourself taking in term 3?

In term 3, I hope to take more chances with the pieces I create (idea-based) and possibly find new techniques to use.

5. 5. What is one goal you hope to accomplish as an artist before the end of the year? This could be a technique to try, to master, or an ambitious piece you have been wanting to do but have had reservations about, etc.

By the end of the year I would like to master acrylic paintings. Before this year I had not painted much and by continuing to practice, hopefully I will be much better at blending ext. by the end of the year.

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