Friday, May 18, 2012


SELF EVALUATION (Part 1) 1) Do you feel that you have developed as an artist and a creative thinker (creatively & conceptually) since the beginning of the year? 2) What do you feel are your areas of technical expertise? 3) Artistic Achievement: Do you feel that you have accomplished what you set out to do with your concentration project? What do you feel are the strengths and weaknesses of your body of work? If you had to assign a score from one the three rubrics (1 being the highest score, 3 being the lowest) below to assess your work, which one would be most accurate? Explain. 3 • The work exhibits an emerging investigation into 2-D design principles, although not all pieces are fully developed. • There is some experimentation and risk taking evident with uneven levels of success. • Although the work is imaginative, the student's voice and confidence level are less evident. • The work shows emerging technical competence, however, some aspects are not fully resolved. • Overall the work demonstrates a moderate level of quality and accomplishment. 2 • The work shows successful use of elements, but the investigation of design principles is limited in scope. • The work exhibits clear intention and growing confidence, although the resolution of works is uneven. • The works show some imaginative ideas and purposeful manipulation of the elements and principles of design. • Although there is evidence of experimentation and risk taking in both composition and use of media, the degree of success varies. • The work demonstrates good technical competence, although it stays within a conventional approach. • Overall the work demonstrates a fluid investigation of visual issues with a good level of accomplishment. 1 • These works demonstrate a bold sense of intentionality and a clear personal direction. • The compositions display a sophisticated understanding of design principles. • The pieces show an inventive use of materials and techniques to explore concepts. • The handling of media is confident and highly accomplished. • Overall the portfolio demonstrates a consistently excellent level of accomplishment in both concepts and technique. EXIT INTERVIEW (Part 2) 1. Do you feel that the instructor-led assignments in term one helped to expand your technical skill-set before proceeding into the concentration project in terms 2 and 3? 3) Comment on the balance between structure and freedom, and how this balance (or lack thereof) enhanced or hindered your creative process. 4) Do you think that the concentration topic should be developed over the summer for prospective Honors Art students, or do you feel that the development initiated in term one was substantial enough for you to begin the project immediately in term 2? 5) Were the field trips beneficial to you as an artist? What would you recommend as possible areas to develop or change about the Honors Art course? Comment on the following aspects of the course: 1) Class Critiques 2) Blog/Homework 3) Clarity of expectations 4) Field Trips 5) Other

1 comment:

  1. Part 1
    1) I think I have developed as an artist and a creative thinker since the beginning of the year, because I feel like blending colors comes much more easy to me as well as thinking of ideas for projects.
    2) I feel my area of technical expertise is textures like animal fur and making my painting look realistic through drawing and colors.
    3) I think I accomplished what I set out to do with my concentration project, because It narrowed down throughout the year as I learned who I am and what I love to express as an artist. I feel that the strengths of my work are the color blending and textures but the weakness of my work is hand-drawn pieces and background details that I can’t figure out how to realistically display or put out of focus. I would give myself a 1 only because I didn’t even know I had artistic potential or ability in painting and pastels until this year so I really surprised myself making a lot of pieces that I am proud of. I feel that I explored different concepts, built my confidence, used different materials, and found my own style in art this year.
    Part 2
    1) I feel that the instructor-led assignments in term one definitely helped me expand my technical skill set before preceding into concentration topics because it eased me into the class and helped me develop my confidence as an artist before having to create my own ideas and concepts with much less instruction. I knew honors art was a class full of very good artists so it helped me adjust to working in a serious art environment.
    2) I think the balance between structure and freedom was perfect for enhancing my creative process, because we could always get help developing our ideas and instruction with using materials, but we could always develop our confidence at the same time since it was always our own ideas and skill creating the piece.
    3) I think the development initiated in term one of the concentration topic was substantial enough to begin the project in term 2, because we were told about it in the beginning of the year so we had a few months to figure out where we wanted to go with our art and what we were inspired by.
    4) I think the field trips were very beneficial because they were fun class bonding experiences where we got to see the work of famous artist’s that we learned a lot from. It is never the same as seeing a famous artist’s painting in person. I can’t think of anything that I would want to change about the honors art course, I had an amazing experience being in this class this year and I learned so much because I was pushed as if it was any of my other academic classes. Sometimes having sketchbook assignments, projects due, bench pieces, and blog posts due at the same time was stressful though. Class critiques were a helpful and constructive way to get your classmates insight and opinion on your piece to help you grow as an artist. The blog was a good was to make us think about the principles of art but sometimes it was stressful to have frequent blog posts around project deadlines. I thought the expectations for the course were laid out clearly and easy to understand too.
