Sunday, May 6, 2012

Van Gogh

1. The piece I appreciated the most in the show was one of a field of flowers with a village in the background. The amount of time spend with all the minute details of flowers really impressed me!

2. I think Van Gogh was revolutionary because of his thick painting style. It was a very different form of art and expression as opposed to what had been seen in previous years.
3. Yes. I believe Van Gogh had a concentration on nature. He painted many scenes of rural farmland, flowers, and trees. 
4. I always believe that seeing a piece of art in person broadens ones appreciation for an artist. When a piece is hanging in front of you, it is easier to see the detail and time spent on the work. I also think with Van Gogh, the only way to truly see his thick painting style is in person. It wasn't until this trip that I realized exactly how it was done.
5. Personally, I don't believe that knowing Van Gogh's personal history affected my perception of his work. All of his pieces seem quite objective and happy. He didn't use dark colors or paint gloomy things, so no.

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