Tuesday, January 24, 2012


1 comment:

  1. This piece is in my opinion is amazing. The texture contrast between the newspaper and the drawing paper gives the piece more complexity. This piece also uses space movement in the cut out of the buildings. In my opinion the texture contrast is used more effectively then other elements. I don't think the piece needs any more attention. I believe the piece is great the way it is with the black and white being constant throughout the piece. This piece appears to not be abstract. Its a relatively simplistic piece that doesn't poise many abstract designs or concepts. The piece in my opinion is conveying a connection between her experience in the city before the incident of 9/11. When looking at this piece I ask the question if the artist had any personal connection or experience during this time of the attack. The artists concentration is focus which is present in this piece. I believe that the new paper cutouts are all forms of focus because it draws your eyes to the piece and helps an on looker realize what the piece is about. Again I believe the newspaper is the strongest part of this piece. It allows one to understand the piece. It also creates a city in a more unique artistic way. In my opinion the only thing that would make this piece stronger would be more clear precise cutting out of the buildings. Other then that this piece is very strong and is great piece to admire.
