Tuesday, January 24, 2012


1 comment:

  1. 1. How did the artist use the elements and principles of design?

    Value Pattern: Used really well with the repetition of shells.
    Space Movement: I like how the shells engulf the entire canvas because it always gives the viewer something to look at and each shell is so different, which is neat
    Texture Contrast: The texture contrast is really well-executed because each shell has their own texture that you showed

    Would inclusion or greater attention of any of the above improve the piece in your opinion? - No it wouldn't. I think that if anything was different, it wouldn't look like this and I really think its perfect

    2. Is this piece….

    This piece is figurative because it is very representative of the real objects and it is clear that it is of the seashells.

    3. Interpretation (your opinion): What do you think the artist was trying to communicate with this piece? What questions, if any, do you have about this piece? - I don't think the artist was necessarily interpreting anything; I think he was just painting the shells from somewhere he's been.

    4. Read the artist’s concentration statement from the last post. Do you feel that a clear connection can be made between the piece and the central idea of the artist’s concentration statement? - Yes I do feel that a clear connection can be made between the pier and central idea because these shells are from his grandmothers house in FL and that is somewhere he has been that is important to him.

    5. In your opinion, what are the strengths of this piece?
    For me, a huge strength of this piece is the attention to detail and how well-executed it was done. Each shell is different but painted with great detail, which can be tiresome, especially when this is your 2nd time painting with acrylic!

    6. In your opinion, what could make this a stronger piece?
    In all honesty, I stared at the painting for 5 minutes and couldn't find anything that would make it stronger. Good job Taylor!
